which measures the contribution of different countries to the common good of humanity.

Finland was placed as number one in the overall ranking of countries in the recent 1.6. version of the Good Country Index.
Take a closer look at how different countries were placed in the different categories 👉 https://index.goodcountry.org/
What is the Good Country Index?
The idea of the Good Country Index is simple: to measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away, relative to its size.
The Good Country Index doesn’t measure what countries do at home. That’s important too, of course, but there are many surveys that do this already. Uniquely, it only looks at each country’s external impact on the world we all share.
Why the Good Country Index?
Because the biggest challenges facing humanity today are global and borderless. All of these problems stretch across national borders, so the only way they can be properly tackled is through international efforts.
The Good Country Index isn’t interested in how well countries are doing, it’s interested in how much they are doing.
The idea of the Good Country Index is simple: to measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away, relative to its size."
Read more about the Good Countrey Index 👉 https://goodcountry.org/ and https://index.goodcountry.org/